Online Letter Discuss A Problem
Credit reports have
increasingly become consumers’ passport to the financial
world. Whether you want to rent an apartment, get car
insurance or apply for a credit card, the data in your
credit report will be one of the crucial measures used to
judge you. That’s why you want to ensure that the
information in your report which is used to formulate your
credit score is free of any inaccuracies. Even if you’re not
denied credit, a small error here or there can cost you more
in interest. The three big credit bureaus Equifax, Experian
and TransUnion and the entities that provide them with data
are required to investigate any potential errors. But, as I
reported in a recent story, their investigations aren’t very
So as with most everything else, you need to be your own
advocate. Here are several tips on the right way to file a
dispute, compiled from consumer attorneys, credit experts
and consumer advocates. Get your report. There’s only one
place you should go to get a copy of your credit report. All
consumers are entitled to one free credit from each of the
three major credit bureaus through this site. Create a paper
trail. The credit bureaus allow you to file your dispute
online, and it’s probably the fastest and simplest way to
go. But don’t. Experts say it’s better to send a written
dispute via certified mail.
Don’t be restricted by the dispute forms that the bureaus
recommend you use. Experts recommend coloring outside of
those lines. Attach a letter that explains the problem, and
provide copies of any supporting documentation, like a
canceled check illustrating that you made a payment. The
Federal Trade Commission has a sample dispute letter on its
Web site. The credit reporting bureaus are required to
forward all relevant information to the organization that is
the source of the error, though consumer advocates and
lawyers told me this never happens. So go ahead and do it
yourself: notify the creditor of your dispute and send it
all copies of supporting documentation as well. That way
they can’t argue that the bureau didn’t send them enough
information. All three bureaus provide instructions on how
to file a dispute on their Web sites. If you want to call to
follow up, keep notes of the date you called and with whom
you spoke. TransUnion provides a phone number on its site,
while numbers for Equifax and Experian can be found on your
credit report.
Do it thrice. Even if you know that your credit card company
is the source of the error, it pays to send the dispute to
all three bureaus as well. That will give you the right to
file a suit against the creditor or the bureau if either
institution doesn’t resolve the problem. Due to a quirk in
the law, you don’t have the right to sue if you simply send
your dispute to the creditor. Given the havoc a serious
credit error can wreak, you want to retain that right. And
if you ask, the credit reporting company must send notices
of any corrections to anyone who received your report in the
last six months, according to the F.T.C.’s Web site. You can
have a corrected copy of your report sent to anyone who
received a copy over the last two years for employment
And if it’s not resolved. If all else fails, hire a lawyer
who is experienced in handling cases that pertain to the
Fair Credit Reporting Act, which is the law that governs the
bureaus. You can find a lawyer with that expertise through
the National Association of Consumer Advocates.