Kids Letter Writing Online
Letter writing can be fun,
help children learn to compose written text, and provide
handwriting practice — and letters are valuable keepsakes.
This guide was written for England's "Write a Letter Week"
and contains activities to help children ages 5–9 put pen to
paper and make someone’s day with a handwritten letter.
Because the activities below were developed for students in
the U.K., it uses some language specific to their school
system. For example, KS1 refers to Key State 1,
corresponding to children ages 5 to 7; KS2 corresponds to
children ages 7 to 9. QCA stands for Qualifications and
Curriculum Authority, which is the regulatory body for
public school examinations. PSHE refers to personal, social
and health education, a topic in the national curriculum.
Letter writing is an essential skill. Despite the prevalence
of emails and text messages, everyone has to write letters
at some point. Letters of complaint, job applications, thank
you letters, letters requesting changes or making
suggestions the list goes on and on. Encouraging children to
write letters from an early age will improve their
communication, social and handwriting skills, and teach them
what they need to know about writing and structuring
Within the KS2 National Literacy Strategy, letter writing is
a required element. In many schools this takes place during
Year 3, Term 3 and relates to QCA units T16, 20, 21 Reading
and Writing Letters. Children are expected to learn how to
write letters, notes and messages. They have to be aware of
different styles of writing, the use of formal and informal
letters, and to select style and vocabulary appropriate to
the intended reader.
Handwriting too is an essential element. In the Standard
Assessment Tests Level 2 handwriting is required:
•To be legible
•Have a consistent size and spacing of letters
•Show flow and movement
•Show a confident personal style
•Thus letter writing exercises can fulfil two elements of
the curriculum